Should I stay or should I go? Assessing if a job offer is right for you
You have been offered a new job, but how do you know if it's the right one for you? If you are like most job seekers, you are delighted (or relieved) when a job offer comes in. But before making a decision to accept, it is important to take the time to think about the job offer and your current role. Not sure where to start evaluating? Take a look at our list of guidelines:
Go back to the job description
The job description will tell you the main day-to-day duties that you will perform. If you don't like what you see, you may want to reconsider. When making that decision, think about:
Will you enjoy the day-to-day duties of the role?
Will you be challenged? Are you seeking something different from your previous experience? Does this role offer that?
Is the level of responsibility appropriate considering your skills and experience?
Are you willing to make lifestyle changes to reflect what might be required? These could include extra travel, longer hours, or too much responsibility
Is this a newly created role? Is the job description clear and concise?
Evaluate the company
Your initial gut feeling will let you know if you will fit in with the company's culture and values. Google the company's website, check out any media if possible and evaluate if you could see yourself working there. Considering that you spend so many hours at work, you need to assess your new work colleagues as well - ask yourself if you will be able to work them. How were they in the interview process? Were they frustrating and would they be difficult to work with? Perhaps then this isn't the company for you.
Review the compensation package
How does the salary compare to your last position? Review the WHOLE package, does it include super (often a misconception), does it include expenses, travel or holiday loading? How attractive are the perks? It is easier to negotiate your package from the start - don't undersell yourself, if you think you are worth it, ask for it!
The counteroffer from your current employer
Do you know why you want to move companies? Most current employers will always want to hold on to great staff so beware of the counteroffer (in the way of more money or promotion) if it arises. Counteroffers can be attractive but it is also important to think about the risks of accepting. People often get caught up in the counter offer incentive. Make sure you ask yourself:
Does the reason why you want to leave still exist? If you do accept the counteroffer will the workplace be tolerable?
Keep in mind the company's intentions, the counteroffer will be for their benefit and not yours, did they wait until you resigned to really know what you are worth to them?
Consider the risk if you actually stay - will they treat you differently knowing that you were looking around for other employment? Politics are in every workplace, like it or not.
Making the final decision
Accepting the offer can be a big step and you need to be clear and concise with your expectations of your future employer. Thoughtful analysis using the above guidelines will give you a greater understanding of which choice is right for you. If you are still unsure, seek further information about the company or use your networks to help your decision-making process. If you are using Paxus as a recruitment company, question a Paxus Account Manager to give you a greater insight into your prospective employer. They can give you an honest opinion to see if the role meets your needs. There are also a number of companies, for example, Glassdoor or Job Advisor that will give you reviews and insight on your prospective employer: Job Advisor – http://www.jobadvisor.com.au/Glassdoor – www.glassdoor.com.au
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Looking for a new job? Read our top tips for effective job searching here.