Now is the time to find a new job – here’s why
The ‘Great Resignation’ has continued into the second half of 2022, and competition for candidates is at an all-time high. PwC’s recent ‘What Workers Want’ report states that 38% of workers surveyed are currently looking for a new job – up approximately 30% from February 2021 (Australian Bureau of Statistics).
If you are considering looking for a new role, now is the perfect time – there are a lot of new opportunities, flexibility is on offer, and good candidates are highly sought after.
So, how can you take advantage of the current candidate short market?
Take the next step
If you are thinking about advancing your career and taking a step up, now could be the time. With candidate shortages across the board, many employers are considering alternative options to fill roles. Even though you might be less experienced than a role requires, employers are more likely to be open to the proposition of hiring and upskilling you, or giving you a chance at a more senior role. To take advantage of this, make sure you put together a compelling cover letter. Make it clear in your CV that you want to take the next step - and are willing to do the hard work to get there.
Because good candidates are so sought after at the moment, it puts you in a great position to negotiate your terms with your new employer. Whether its flexibility that you are after, a higher salary or extra employee benefits, you are in a great position to put forward what you want out of your next role. At Paxus, we are able to help you negotiate your offer, with our experienced Account Managers assisting candidates throughout the recruitment process - right through to negotiating your new terms.
Put together a killer pitch
To take advantage of all the great opportunities out there, you need to know how best to sell yourself - without overdoing it. Work out what your strengths are, and what sets you apart from other candidates who are also going for the role. Practise talking about yourself and your strengths, so you feel comfortable in the interview. This includes talking about your past roles, some of your work related achievements, and examples of where you have come up with a solution to a work based problem.
Be bold
With such a candidate short market, this is your opportunity to pick and choose which company you want to work for. It’s not just about getting the first job that comes your way – now is the time to think about what you really value in a role and an organisation. Think about what types of questions you can ask a prospective employer to help you decide this. You could ask your interviewer “What do you love about working for your organisation?”, “What do people at your organisation value?”, “What is the best part about the culture at your organisation?” and so on.
Use your networks
Networking can be a great way to land a new job, and take advantage of the current job market. Whether you are scrolling through LinkedIn and chatting to people virtually, or heading to networking and industry events, think about the people you might know, and if there are any opportunities. When meeting new people, always remember to stay in touch – this can sometimes simply mean liking and sharing some of their content on LinkedIn – or just touching base to stay front of mind.
Get out there
There are so many opportunities at the moment, and if you are looking to make a change, now is the perfect time! At Paxus we have an incredible team of Account Managers that are ready to help you find and secure your dream job! If you would like to find out how we can help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local Paxus office.