The management of Paxus recognises its legal and moral obligations to take all reasonable precautions to provide and maintain, as far practicable, an environment that is safe and without risk to the health of our contractors.
In realising its commitment, Paxus will comply with all relevant occupational health and safety legislation and aim for continuous improvement in its performance and standards in occupational health and safety management.
To achieve this standard Paxus will:
Maintain a Health and Safety Management System
Comply with applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and Codes of Practice.
Apply risk management principles to the risks and hazards to health and safety of its employees, contractors, and anyone else that may be affected by the company’s activities.
Provide and maintain, in consultation with employees, contractors and clients, safe systems and practices of work to support a safe working environment.
Provide necessary information, training, and appropriate supervision to enable all employees and contractors to understand and follow safe systems of work.
Reduce the risk of accidents with a proactive approach to better target priorities and prevent recurrence.
Ensure that employees, contractors, and clients are appropriately informed and consulted on health and safety arrangements within the workplace.
Support, when applicable, a contractor’s desire to return to work and aid the contractors (and appropriate injury management team) in accordance with the applicable state legislation.
Monitor and evaluate health and safety performance regularly to ensure legal compliance and a continuous improvement focus.
Evaluate and inform on latest federal and state legislation impacts of COVID-19 and how it impacts client sites, projects, resources, and requirements (if applicable).
Every Contractor
Every Contractor (Company, Independent Contractor and Direct) has a legal responsibility to look after their own health and safety and the safety of those who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
We integrate wherever possible with our client’s OH&S policies and procedures. Contractors must fully comply with any policies and procedures implemented by Paxus and clients of Paxus to be compliant with health and safety legislation.
Contractors must report all accidents and hazards to both the client and Paxus.
Contractors must comply with relevant anti-discrimination laws to provide a discrimination free physical, remote, or virtual work environment, including but not limited to sexual harassment or other forms of harassment.
All Paxus Managers
Are responsible and carry a duty of care for managing health and safety in accordance with company policy as an integral and obligatory duty of their position.